Four Thistles

Uploaded: August 09, 2002 22:48:09


Taken with a Nikon F65; hand held, natural lighting, unedited except for the addition of a border in Abode. The brilliance of this one caught my eye with the spikey depth of a popsicle purple...remnants of a fading summer I guess; thistle blooms and purple popsicles.


Piper Lehman August 09, 2002

Hi, Loralee. This is very pretty---love the purples and greens together, and your composition is very strong.

At what focal length were you shooting here? I have found that 300mm at this same distance will blur the background into a solid, soft color and make your subject really pop off the background.
My 2-cent humble suggestion. :)Hope you don't mind.


Loralee Legacy August 10, 2002

Well, (here I blush furiously), I hate to say that I have no idea of which focal length I was shooting at. I've only been taking pictures with this particular camera for nigh a month and haven't quite got it down to specifics...on top of that, I've only been taking pictures for a few years (prior to the Nikon F65 I have now, I used a Kodak STAR Motordrive which is just a regular point and shoot 35mm).

Your humble suggestion has been well taken and I am hoping to get more lenses other than the AF Nikkor 28-80mm that came with the camera. Also, I've been working on my composition of late so your encouragement comes with thanks.

I don't mind at all, in fact I greatly appreciate your comment which is worth more than a mere 2 cents! =)

Loralee #11188

August 10, 2002

See ! Told you you are a photographer !
Believe me now :)
Another great shot Loralee
Keep them comming :)

Loralee Legacy August 15, 2002

Thanks Robert!
After my second last roll of film, I had a difficult time believing that, but took heart once again after reading your encouragement to've made my day! I look forward to someday proving you right...

Again, with much gratitude, a little more hope in myself and another roll of film,
Loralee :) #11643

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